Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Suspended Judgement Through Storytelling

"Peripheral processing may lead to an attitudinal change in the moment but it does not last. By contrast, people process stories by immersing themselves in the story, striving to experience vicariously the events and emotions that the protagonist do. They suspend the proclivity to counterargue, to raise doubts about the veracity or relevance of the information they are hearing. Crucially this is true whether they have a stake in the issues featured in the story. Readers suspend disbelief in a way that has a lasting effect" (Polletta, 291).

In Freaks and Geeks the protagonist encounters and interacts with a group of outcasts ("freaks") that would traditionally associated with negative connotations of rebellion and drug use. How does the show work to suspend the audience's judgement upon these individuals in order for us to perceive their "scene" in a positive light?

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